We had my parents and my two nieces, Tess and Kate for a visit the beginning of June. I'm just getting around to documenting it all. Sadly the only photo I have is this one. It was just before leaving for Disneyland the first day. I had made shirts for my kids at the beginning of the season and the girls wanted to make sure that I would be making them for Tess and Kate too. After all, what else would you wear to Disneyland if you didn't wear your "Disneyland shirt"?
We enjoyed them for a week of fun in the California Sun (except at the beach). We visited Disneyland two days, the beach at Newport, Long Beach Aquarium, and the L.A. Zoo. It was really fun for my kids to get to play with their cuzzie's from Utah. I loved having them here and hope they will come back often.