Motherhood = going crazy one day at a time!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ok here's the family all together, just not in one picture!
We're all happy she's here and she's doing great. Eating well, sleeping like a koala bear, and peeing and poohing up a storm. I still need to get used to her inner parts better! It's a trip! We're all happy and tired. Masaru is officially not potty trained any more!!

And the winner is...

Enrichment this month was a "county fair". Everyone brought a dish and 5 of their favorite recipes for a cookbook that will be assembled. I brought Kristin's Broccoli and cauliflower salad. It was a hit and took the blue ribbon for the salad category. Well done Kristin!

36 weeks!

It's week 36 for baby Myles. While I would like to be done I know that two more weeks at least would be best. I'm hoping for a delivery around the 10th. Bjorn picket up a Boston Red Sox cap for Myles while on his way through Boston this week. Fitting for us as we are on our way to the last Dodgers ball game tonight. No post season for them. I think they have lost the last 7 games in a row. Oh well, the Red Sox are still two games up on the Yankees and are still in the running for the American league Division title.