The kids and I took a trip to Utah for the 24th of July. There is always a lot going on that time of year and everyone tends to be around. This was the second time we have gone and it was just as fun as last year. The kids love to stay with Grandma and Papa. Heck I do too. Who wouldn't, it's like staying at a B&B. You get all your meals, local travel info, even free babysitting. Who wouldn't love that! Anyway we packed a lot into our short week and a half.
A big Thanks to Dad who flew out and drove with me to Utah. I don't think it was quite like our road trips of yore, but it was fun all the same.
We visited the Hoggle Zoo with Some of Kristin's kids as well as some of Leslie's kids. The weather couldn't have been better. Not to hot and overcast most of the day. A perfect day I would say. We visited most everything on display, but there was construction so some of the animals are not there. Not to worry though, we still got to see plenty. The bird show was great! A little long and I could have done without the hawk trying to eat the Parrot, but otherwise really good.
Next it was bowling with the kids. Myles had his first time bowling and he loved it. Tess and Graham were very patient with him and his wanting to go all the time. They kept their cool and told him when to go.
We didn't make the parade this year, mom and dad where in-charge, but it was too hot and I didn't want to sit with the kids for that long. So we went to the Park for the carnival while the parade was en route. It wasn't crowded and we had a great dinner of pulled pork, corn on the
cob and fry bread and creamies. Well I did at least, the kids just ate junk. They loved the rides and the games and we came home with quite a haul of carnival trinkets.
I got together with my Kindergarten friends who all happened to be in town too. With all six of us there and all of are kids there were 23 kids and 6 mommas. What a great time we had at the Blanchard's pool. Thanks Kristin for letting us come and invade your space.
Winnie the Pooh was out so I thought it was time for Myles to take in his first ever movie. He loved it. He even sat through the whole show. I had six kids in tow and everyone was great. A little candy and popcorn goes a long way with this crowd!
A quick trip Paces Dairy Ann and Salt Lake with my friend Michelle turned me on to all kinds of wooden crafts to do. I have now completed all my projects and need to return to get more supplies. Maybe it's a good thing I don't live closer...
Then Saturday after Bjorn got in we went to the Church Museum in Salt Lake. Mom is a Docent there and she knows just about everything about that place. We saw a lot that I had never seen before and it was very interesting. They have a great area for kids too so they could blow off some steam after being bribed to be quiet for about an hour and a half. Thanks mom, what a great tour. I would recommend your services to anyone! This was followed by a scrumptious lunch at Hires in downtown Salt Lake. This was the place Bjorn and I went to eat lunch following our pictures on our wedding day. Mom had taken all my things home and thus I had to eat lunch dressed in my wedding dress. The lady who was our car hop thought I was crazy to eat a burger and fries in my wedding dress, I just told her I was supper hungry. She brought me back about 10 bar towels to lay across my dress so I would drip anything on me. How nice. It's still the best place for a root beer float.
Sunday was the day to head out of town. It was a fast trip, too bad getting home wasn't just as fast. We forgot about Sunday Vegas to Cali traffic. It took us 15 hours to get home. Oh well, we won't make that mistake again...
Thanks everyone for a great trip. It's always fun to see you and we love coming to play. See you next year!