Motherhood = going crazy one day at a time!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well I think it is broke. Although you can all stop laughing because for once I didn't do it to myself. I was holding Myles while putting something away in the fridge when Bjorn came home yesterday. He was trying to maneuver around us and the open fridge door and he ran right into my toe. I wasn't waring any shoes and he was. If he would have just waited till we closed the door this could have been avoided. I now have a black and blue baby toe and a throbbing foot. Thanks Bjorn!
Here are a few pictures of Myles while I am at it.


Leslie said...

That looks ouch!! Toe ouchies are the worst because you feel it with EVERY step and there really isn't a lot you can do about it. I hope you get feeling better soon...
Myles looks so grown up. Is he sitting on Brigitte's lap?

Colleen said...

Oh Brooke, I am so sorry about the toe!! That looks awful! Feel better soon and milk it for all it is worth, you deserve at least that much!

Melissa said...

At least you have your toes painted and they don't look bad!! I hope it heals soon.
Myles looks great.

Kristin said...

Yep, always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Toes are the worst.