Well, finals are over for me and you all know I'm relieved. I spent the rest of the morning today, after my last exam, running all over the valley to find the elusive toy that was on sale at Target this week, yet nobody had one in stock. I finally ended up in Sandy, where the employees were good enough to pull one out of eight from the back before they were on the shelves. Graham will be thrilled.
Ryan is kicking into high gear with a variety of projects. He has a number of people wanting him to do little side jobs for them, and he has some work to do at our house the next few nights to prepare for insulators that are coming to do the basement on Thurs. In addition, work has been busy for him and he has been logging a fair bit of overtime lately. The tree is up, the parties beginning (this weekend we have 3, one per night), and I have a mountain of projects to do around the house, both to get ready for the holiday, and just to get caught up in general.
Here is a peek at what's going on at our house, the tree, the boys dressed up, and the snow, snow, snow we received last weekend (from our deck). We probably got about a a foot at our house, though it has settled some since then.
Everything and everyone is and are looking good. I hope you and Ryan have enough time to hang out with each other. Sounds like things are busy. Have fun at the parties.
I can't wait to see the snow. I love the picture of the boys in front of the tree. They all look so grown up. I can't believe how big the twins are getting.
I'm sure it's nice to be done with finals. Congrats.
Look how big the boys are getting! WOW. Handsommmmmmmmmmme! Enjoy those parties.
The boys look so cute. I love the outfits. Wish we had some snow. It's too cold and the kids don't even have any snow to play in!
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