Motherhood = going crazy one day at a time!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hector the collector
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
From the same pod
I'm not sure why I'm feeling so nostalgic today, but I am. These are just a few thoughts I want to share of Audrey and Lydia. They are growing WAY to FAST.
This is how she spent her first day at the beach. She loved the dirt and digging in it.
This is Lydia Keiko Dodd. She is half of my beautiful pair of girls. She has a fire in her. She is somewhat devious. She is a love. She loves toy cars, being outside and tickles. She will sit in her car seat and tickle her own toes, then laugh hysterically. She will tickle Audrey and Myles and laugh. She has always been first at her milestones. I guess she is trying to make up for being born second! She is her daddy. I love, love, love her to pieces.

This is how Audrey spent her first day at the beach. She never got off the blanket, nor did she have any interest in getting her hands and feet into the sand.
This is Audrey Amiko Dodd. She is the other half of my beautiful pair. She is the first born and yet she is the one who will sit and watch very carefully. She is a snuggler. She is all girl. She talks, yet refuses to walk at 17 1/2 months old. She loves shoes, sunglasses, and her blankie. She loves to be outside and kicks and screams when you make her go inside. She is a drama queen. She is precious. I love, love, love her to pieces.
These two beautiful girls are such a joy to me. I'm so blessed to have them and to be their mother. I can't believe how much love I have for them, and Myles. I can't imagine my life without them. I'm so glad they have each other. Forever "womb mates"... no matter what else they do or the different directions they may go. I hope they will always be close.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween 2010
It was past bedtime when this was taken, that's why the girls look so thrilled.
Just thrilled to be walking about.
Last Monday was the Ward Halloween Trunk-or-treat. It's always a great event for everyone. It starts with dinner and some carnival games. Then a costume parade and finally finishes off with the trunk-or-treat. The candy Myles collected from that little 5 min. activity was more than enough. He is still working on it.
Then Saturday was our Block party. It was a great event where we set up carnival booths around the common area and had the kids pumpkin bowl, pin the nose on the pumpkin, a fishing pond, cookie decorating, a fun foam craft, and a station for face painting/balloon shapes/magic tricks, and a doughnut eating contest. Then later the adult men had a game of broom pumpkin hockey. It was quite a day. The kids had a great time and I think it was a hit.
After a long afternoon of fun and games, this is part of the group we had.
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