I've just discovered how to make a picasa collage. I thought these were fun pictures of our journey together. We've come a long way baby! From the first night in the hospital to our big trip to the East Coast we are never far apart. Man I love this kid!
Motherhood = going crazy one day at a time!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It's beautiful out
It's been so nice out these last few days that I have been inspired to work a little in the yard. I finally bought flowers for my pots on the porch, trimmed back the bushes in the front yard so that you can see Myles swing in his tree swing from the chairs on the porch and I'm even planning a brick patio in the side yard. There has been a big pile of bricks there since we moved in and I think it's time to do something with them. It's going to take some time and a little money( I will need a few more bricks and some sand), but I figure if I plan to stay even one more summer I am tiered of looking at the dirt over there. It would be really nice to get a table and chairs to sit and have dinner outside. It's a perfect spot that's always in the shade of the huge fig tree.
I have a beautiful box garden than is now doing really well after just two weeks. I hope to see some "fruits" of my labor by the end of July. Square foot gardening has been really fun and easy. For those who don't have a place in the yard to garden this is the way to go. All you need is a spot that gets about 6-8 hours of sunlight and a few 2x8's. Even my beans are coming in well, and I had to plant them from seeds. After the patio is in I think grass and a fence to keep the dog in are next on my list. Hopefully by the end of the summer.
I'd also like to plant some rose bushes on the side of the house by the mailbox, but there are no sprinklers there and I don't know if I really want to hand water them. So...I'm still thinking about that. I do hate the dirt there however. Maybe some ground cover will do....
The last thing on the list is to get a citrus tree to plant in the huge pot on the front porch. I have a tree of sorts there, but it doesn't do well in the heat of the summer and I just can't look at it any longer. It's REALLY sad looking and I just don't think it is going to get any better with time so a Lemon tree might be nice. Everyone has lemons here, except me. I know it won't get any fruit for many years, but if we move I can take it with me. How great it that!
Like I said before, It's beautiful out, and getting even better!
Monday, June 9, 2008
So this morning Masaru took all his clothes off to go potty. Whatever, that's fine. So he was running around the house naked and wanted to go outside.
I told him he couldn't go outside unless he had a top on and at least some undies.
I had a shower and have been going through our house either throwing things out or putting them in the 'yard sale' pile.
I go outside to check on him and this is what I find.
I think he feels like the rest of us.
Should to dress for snow or sun?
Oh well, what the hey, I'll dress for both.
The End of an Era

Fast forward three weeks. We are watching a movie on a rainy afternoon when Seth suddenly jumps up and says, "my tooth came out!" He shows us all the little tooth and I moan and instruct him to go and rinse out his mouth. He is grinning from ear to ear and clearly feels quite grown up. The first thing he says is, "Mom, I get to use the tooth fairy pillow!" When he comes back and I inspect his mouth I can see that his big tooth has been advancing (for some time) right behind where his baby tooth was. I guess I am a mother in denial. A mother who isn't ready to see her "babies" grow up. This fall you'll probably find me blubbering on near the kindergarten drop off with my box full of tissues. When the tooth fairy came that night and looked down on his sweet peaceful face, I cried.
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