Here's a picture of Masaru making piklets with his cousins in Grandma's kitchen. Man the pile of dishes left were up to the roof lol. And when you have to do them by hand it really matters lol. I've never done so many dishes by hand since I was living in NZ last time 6 years ago.
Masaru's were red ones. They're basically small pancakes. We don't really do pancakes here in NZ it's mostly piklets. Anyway his cousins ones were green and blue.
Here's the latest pic's of Yuki all dolled up and ready to go out on the town. She's doing well and is a really good baby. She's very content and I have lots of help which is nice you know.
It's been raining the last few days so no park time. But Masaru's been to kindy though and they have loads of activities to play inside so that's good. He painted his first picture the other day and it's up on Grandma's wall. It's actually pretty good I think.
Dru and I are doing well. Plugging along. We've got 2 Christmas activities to go to this week, which will be fun. Maybe I'll get some good pic's there.
Love you guys
Dru Nakaya clan
Can she get any cuter?! Man, your kids are so beautiful. They look nothing like Dru though, hmmm....
For the first half of your post I was wondering what in the world piklets were...looks fun! Yuki is a BEAUTIFUL baby, what great photos. Glad you are well.
No dishwasher. I guess if I had to choose I would choose a garbage disposal over the dishwasher, but it's been a long time since I haven't had a dishwasher.
The kids look like they were having a good time and Yuki looks so cute in her "going out" outfit.
Yep- I agree with Kristin, the kids look just like you. Where is Dru in all this...
You guys are right, Dru's only around for one fun night, then it's all me baby. But he IS there for the fun night. Who knows why my genes seem to be dominant at this time. Maybe our last two will be dark.
OK, what are piklets? And I'm with Kristin. Can Yuki get any cuter? From Leslies post, it looks like I missed something. Better go back......
small pancakes. How I missed that one I'll never know.
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