I have 14 weeks to get the baby's room put together. Actually I have less than that since we are expecting out of town company. I would like to get the room together before that. I have to move(or rather Bjorn has to move) furniture around and I need to make the window treatments still. It is the last room in the house that hasn't been recovered since we moved here two years ago. I have
panels up to block the view from the street, but they are the ones that were here when we moved in and I have never liked them. I would like to do something that will tie in the double bed and bedding that will remain in the room, with the crib and the airplane theme I have going on. I hope to get the bed and crib moved, the windows done, the airplanes hung from the
ceiling, the pictures framed and hung and maybe even find a rug to go on the floor. It's coming together however. As you can tell
I've had some time to think about what I wanted this room to look like. The biggest
hurdle is keeping the bed in the room. But for all you out of
townees we are keeping it up for you so you have a nice place to stay. We want everyone to come and visit! Here are a few things that are going in the room. I'll try and get it all done and show you a finished picture. Maybe by next week if I'm lucky and can rope Bjorn into helping me with a few large items.