I was tagged by my mate, Laura, today, so here goes.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. At University in New Zealand, training to be a teacher.
2. Subbing the WORST class I've ever had to overcome in my life.
3. Trying to get over my fathers passing away.
4. Organizing going on a mission for the church and whether or not I'd go.
5. Getting my heart ripped out by an old boyfriend, who met his wife a week after we broke up.
(Don't worry folks, turns out I didn't need him, cause some random dude in Utah out on his mission, at the time, was the one for me)
5 things on my 'to do' list:
1. Clean the bathrooms. (I hate this job)
2. Vacume the front room.
3. Make a nice dinner tonight.
4. Finish reading Jane Eyre
5. Finish my quilt
5 favourite snacks/food:
1. Kudos bars
2. Fruit
3. Good sandwich
4. Salmon
5. Fries
5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
1. Pay for Dru's law school.
2. Give money to my family and help out friends with certain things.
3. Go to the church and see what I could do to help others around the world.
4. Knock down our house and buy Kimberly's off of her and Berdella's and build us a nice as house, just how we've dreamed of.
5. Try and hire a brainy as guy to invent teleporting so I didn't have to spend 12 hours on the plane visiting my family.
5 bad habits:
1. Putting my nail in between my teeth and clicking it. I never notice actually but periodically Dru will pull my hand out of my mouth.
2. Not cleaning the bathrooms enough.
3. Short temper with my kids.
4. Not reading the scriptures daily for half an hour.
5. Brushing Masaru's teeth every night.
5 Places I have lived:
1. Invercargill, South Island, New Zealand
2. Brisbane, Australia
3. Bountiful, Utah
4. Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand
5. Hamilton, North Island, New Zealand
5 people I tag:
1. Kayla
2. Mandi
3. Kristin
4. Ashley
5. Sarah. Nelson