Well we're off in 2 days! Last minute things are getting done and we're slowly saying our goodbyes to people.
I thought we had gotten out of speaking in church, but a memeber of the bishopric approached me last Sunday and asked me to speak. My first reaction was "What about Dru?" But Dru got out of it. So it's only me. So on top of everything else I'm also working on a talk.
I guess I just wanted you guys to know how much we love you and are going to miss you. Even though it seems like all my dreams are coming true, I know I'll miss Utah and everyone.
I also know it's going to fly by and we'll be back causing mischief in no time. Have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hope the blessing goes well Brooke and that Graham has a great baptism. It's things like these that makes me sad Dru and I are from different countries. We'll always be missing out on something in someones family for all of our lives.
I'll post every week and I'm sure Dru will call and talk to his family often.
I thought these pic's of Masaru were great!! So I thought I'd leave them with you to make you smile!!