(Notice how dark it is outside, well that's because it's only 6:15AM. Myles gets up early these days because he needs to pee. Joy!)
Happy Birthday Bubba! Friday was his actual birthday so we spent the morning opening a few gifts from family and then had Mickey Mouse pancakes(which he didn't eat, instead he ate raw oatmeal). Bjorn went off to work, while I loaded up the kids and went to the local bakery. Myles picked out two cupcakes, one with pink sprinkles and one with purple. We sat outside the bakery eating our treats and then drove back home. After lunch we all piled into the car and headed to Disneyland where Myles would be getting his season pass since he is now 3. We had a great time there. We finally made it on the "Small World" boat ride, a hit with all the kids, and the parents especially because it was air conditioned!
We arrived back home by around 8:30 with all three kids passed out in the back seat! A perfect day for the little bubba. The next morning, Saturday, he got his present from mom and dad, a motorized Jeep, which he loves to drive and give his sisters a ride in. He's getting really good at steering and is careful not to run into things most of the time. The Jeep going to be hours of entertainment for him and the girls.(pictures to follow)