So tomorrow is the BIG DAY, the big 3-1!!
I just can't believe a year has gone past.
I'm still trying to get a grip on the fact that I'm the big 3-0 and now the big 3-1 has come up and bitten me in the butt!
Now I know age is just a number and I have plenty to be grateful for and I should be happy with my achievements, which I am you know, I am, I really am.
BUT.............still 31...........come on, can I just wollow in my own misery for a little while? Even if it's just for an hour of my whole 24 hour birthday?
I used to LOVE my birthday's. Then I hit 30 and it's been a little different feeling for me.
I still love having Dru take me out and the cards and attention I get.....................let's not get outta control here......................but 31! Gosh it's, it's, so, so.................OLD.
And I know I know it's not really OLD but like my wonderful friend told me today "it's IS old" She's young and beautiful and honest. And I love that.
But don't we all, in our 20's look at 30 and think it's OLD? Am I the only one here that has ever felt this way?
I would hear someone tell me their in their 30's and just think that was SOOOOO OLD! And look what I'm in my 30's.
And I think to myself..........wait a second
Now I'm not a retard. I know how age works, you know one year at a time, that kinda thing. But still my 30's just hit me like a tons of bricks and I'm still not over it.
Now anyone who's in their 30's out there do you get over it?
I hope so cause so far my 30's have been amazing and wonderful, so really there's nothing to complain about except for the number.
The only time I get reminded of the number is when I have to put it in the tredmill or eliptical at the gym.
I'm hitting all the buttons and am like "oh yeah I'm 30 now" (sigh)
So it SHOULD be no big deal. So why do I have this feeling about it?
I must be shallow or something.
I mean I don't FEEL old.
I feel cool and hip and fun and young and 30 mustn't be too bad and it musn't be as old as what I always imagined it to be.
PLUS look at the most important reasons I have to smile..................all reasons to smile in my 30's.
I'm thinking my 30's are going to be GREAT years. I mean I'll have the rest of my kids, they'll all be young and still love me and think I'm the bees knees. Dru will be going through law school, finished law school, get his first CAREER job. All in my thirties.
The list is endless of what my 30's hold for me.
So really I should embrace my 30's and look forward to it with arms wide open with the wind blowing through my hair at 90 miles an hour.
I'm looking forward to the day when, in my 30's, a birthday comes and I feel the same way I did in my 20's birthdays.
I know I sound ungrateful and I guess I am a little, but after I get over myself I AM grateful.