Well I'm wondering if Masaru is getting influenced by all the girls he has around him.
The other day I busted him in the corner playing with the 'my little ponies' as well as the house set. He also wanted to watch the 'my little pony' movie his cousins had. It wasn't in the case however so he had to be left dissapointed!!
He had a bath the other day and I put a towel on him and sent him out to the livingroom.
I then stayed in the bathroom to clean up all the toys and mess made in there. I came out to find Masaru had on nothing but pink boots and a yellow umbrella. Now this is going to be a photo I"m sure he will not want reminded of at any stage of his teenage years. Might be good to have!!!!!!!!
He was also playing on the deck at around 7pm the other night and we heard a thump and a huge wail. He comes screaming inside and there's blood everywhere. I take him to the bathroom, in a panic, and we assess the situation. We try to stop the bleeding on his head so we can see how bad the cut really is. I know from my husband and his head wounds that head wounds are 'bleeders' and might not be as bad as you think. The cut was about a cm or half an inch and pretty deep so we headed off to the ER.
Fortunatley it's free, so we didn't have to start wondering and adding up in our minds how much this trip to the ER was going to cost us.
We get there and fill out some forms and the take us back and clean it up.
I guess they have this glue they can use instead of stiches so that's what was used.
The nurse wasn't aggressive enough though and Masaru just walked all over her. He clearly didn't want it touched or anything done to it and she just mucked around a lot!
I felt like getting the glue myself and doing it. I mean how hard could it be, really!
So she did half and let him have some breather time. She didn't come back for almost an hour!! Dru and I almost fell alseep!! Meanwhile Masaru's head still has a slow leak!! So finally after me saying a few words to the head nurse, we got it finished and were on our way. I don't think it's the best job at all but at least it's not hurting anymore and it's stopped bleeding.
It's his birthday tomorrow, Sunday the 2nd of March, and he's going to be 3. I'm making a Thomas the Tank Engine cake for him. He's been talking about it ever since he saw the picture in a cake book at my mothers house. So good luck to Dru and I, and we're going to attempt to make it for him. We're having my family around for it and I think it'll be fun. We got his presents today and are pretty excited for him. Don't you just love getting things for your kids birthdays and Christmas? I love it. I get so excited I can't control myself almost.
I'll take pic's and post it next week for you all.
Here are also some pic's of Yuki in a warmer dress for church. It was raining so we thought would be slightly cooler but forgot about the humidity!! Oh well. I think she looked cute.
She's doing well with her food now and so I'm going to keep feeding her the rice cereal every morning and night. I don't think I'll start her on veges until we're back in Utah!
Dru found out today that he got accepted into Idaho for law school. So he's happy about that. So good stats for the Nakaya family. Four schools heard from and four positive outcomes. Thanks Heavenly Father!!!
Sarah and Chad are away for the weekend as well as their kids. So we have the house all to ourselves. I miss our space!!
Love Dru Nakaya clanxxxx