Well, it's finally done. I have all the Christmas decorations up and everything is done except for the lights on the house. Bjorn has to do that part as he will not allow me to climb on the roof(even though he really hates getting up there.) I had hoped to have it all done by the weekend, but our weekends always go way too fast. We had a birthday party for Rachelle's Nicolas, and then a friend, Kate, from BYU days came for a visit and we had the Ward Christmas party on Saturday. I was doing good to get all the lights on the tree and get the decorations on it by 10:30 Sunday night. Now if I can figure out how to keep Yoda away from the tree and the rest of the decorations while we are gone I will be doing good.

I thought you might enjoy a few picture of Myles. These are the first smiles caught on film. I think he is getting really cute, maybe I'm a little biased. We are two days into the no night feedings. I am loving it except that my milk is still producing like I am feeding during the night. I hope it will cut down soon. Today I woke up in a puddle. Myles is doing great. I wake at 5 to see if he would like to eat. Today he didn't want to eat until 7am. That's good sleep for me, well not yet, but it will be. Right now I wake up all night long thinking he should be getting up anytime now...Why is it that mom's always get the short end of the stick when it comes to sleep. If we aren't actually up, we are thinking that we should be up.
Hope all of your holiday preparations are well underway!
He looks beautiful. So does your tree. I'm glad the midnight sleeping is going well. He doesn't looked starved, that's for sure.
He looks like a fat Bjorn! So cute. Why don't you and Dru contribute to the gene pool in your kids. Weird.
Yeah with the no night feedings. The boobs will catch up after 3-4 days. I used to sleep with a maxi pad in each bra, soaks up more than the others...
CUTE pictures. Not surprising since he's such a cute baby. I can't believe he's doing so well at night.
Somehow I seemed to miss this post...Myles is SO cute. The smile gives so much more personality to all babies I think. Can't wait to see you soon, glad it's going well.
You are lucky that he sleeps through the night. Max is just now sleeping through the night. Myles looks like he's getting enough so enjoy your sleep! I hope you had a great Christmas!
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