Motherhood = going crazy one day at a time!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hair cut anyone?!
These pictues are long overdue, but better late than never. Myles got his second haircut and he was making the most rediculous faces. I think the clippers tickled him. So cute, but my baby is gone, he is truely a little boy now.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Love/Hate relationships
(yes I know this picture is out of focus, but it's a really funny picture anyway)
So we have a Love, Hate relationship at our house. It all has to do with our family dog, Yoda. He's really lovely sometimes, and a real beast other times. I just don't know what to do at times. Let's just give you some history here. It all began back when I was pregnant the first time around. I has just had a miscarriage and I really wanted a baby, so I thought a dog might do. Well I found a really cute puggle online and he arrived about two months later. He was a great little guy. And for the most part he still is. If you want to sit and watch T.V. with your own personal heater just come on over because Yoda loves to sit on your lap and yes it is warm. Myles and Yoda love each other and Yoda is really patient with him. He never tries to bite or nip him. Myles hits, pulls, slobbers and Yoda takes it for a time. When he has had enough he gets up and moves to higher ground that Myles can't yet reach, my bed. So like I was saying, it's just certain times that I really want to open the door and let him run out and not find his way back.
Yoda has his share of problems. Let's just say that I'm not the only medicated person in the family. Yoda has "separation anxiety" so rather than let him continue to destroy our house when we leave him, we have opted to medicate him. It works well, but is expensive, although not as expensive as replacing all the things he could and has destroyed. What has he destroyed you say? Let me tell you: two remote controls, three leather ottomans, one web cam, one camera, countless shoes, several books including the binding on our wedding album, corner of a table and chair... the list goes on but honestly I can't remember all the things he has eaten. Now this isn't the only problem. He also will poop in the house if left alone. Not because he needs to or because he isn't potty trained, because he CAN. When left in a crate he will bark till we return and he scratches at the gate till I think his fingernails are going to fall out. He then will poop and roll in it so that you have to bathe him when you get him out.
The latest inconvenience in our life has been that the dog may have contracted worms. We won't know for sure till next week. The test takes two weeks to get back. And Yep, they are transferable and yep we may all get them too. The Vet told me that if any of us noticed unusual red spots on our skin to go to the doctor and have checked out. Well, Myles woke this morning with a red rash on his neck. Panicked that he had worms we called the doctor who saw us this afternoon. The long and the short of it is that the rash has nothing to do with worms, and that it isn't manifest in the same way for humans as for dogs. Myles is perfectly fine, but just the fact that we had to go to the doctor to find out makes me think "why do we have a dog!"
(Myles is 28.5 lbs btw)
Yoda has his share of problems. Let's just say that I'm not the only medicated person in the family. Yoda has "separation anxiety" so rather than let him continue to destroy our house when we leave him, we have opted to medicate him. It works well, but is expensive, although not as expensive as replacing all the things he could and has destroyed. What has he destroyed you say? Let me tell you: two remote controls, three leather ottomans, one web cam, one camera, countless shoes, several books including the binding on our wedding album, corner of a table and chair... the list goes on but honestly I can't remember all the things he has eaten. Now this isn't the only problem. He also will poop in the house if left alone. Not because he needs to or because he isn't potty trained, because he CAN. When left in a crate he will bark till we return and he scratches at the gate till I think his fingernails are going to fall out. He then will poop and roll in it so that you have to bathe him when you get him out.
The latest inconvenience in our life has been that the dog may have contracted worms. We won't know for sure till next week. The test takes two weeks to get back. And Yep, they are transferable and yep we may all get them too. The Vet told me that if any of us noticed unusual red spots on our skin to go to the doctor and have checked out. Well, Myles woke this morning with a red rash on his neck. Panicked that he had worms we called the doctor who saw us this afternoon. The long and the short of it is that the rash has nothing to do with worms, and that it isn't manifest in the same way for humans as for dogs. Myles is perfectly fine, but just the fact that we had to go to the doctor to find out makes me think "why do we have a dog!"
(Myles is 28.5 lbs btw)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Telling Tuesday
So Angie, my cousin, @ Seven Clown Circus has Photo Story Friday, and Wordful Wednesday and I'm going to start "Telling Tuesday."
For my first "Telling Tuesday" I wanted to share what I wake up to each morning. This little guy can now pull up on EVERYTHING and he especially loves to do it at the rail of the crib. What you can't see is that I also have beaver living in the crib. He, and his 6 little teeth, have eaten down to the bare wood. I haven't been able to find a plastic rail cap cover (if you know where I can get one please share) so for now I have wrapped it in fabric so I don't have this little guy ingesting anymore finish. What is a mother to do... especially when you are greeted with a smile like this!
Family filled weekend
Jamie, Shane, Bjorn and Myles
Saturday was Auntie Shiz' funeral services so it was a jam packed weekend filled with lots of Nakaya family. By Friday evening the events were well underway. Dinner in Burbank with Uncle Kaz, Janie, Karen, Mickey, Shorty and Bjorn and I. Then we went back to the house to chat while I waited till it was time to get Mom and Dad and Grandma from LAX. It was a Great to see everyone and we had such good food.Saturday morning we met at the Church for services and a lunch to follow. It was great to see and meet all kinds of family. Joanne, Jamie, and Andrea and kids came up from San Diego, Josh came from Pasadena, we also met Kathy, Kaz' daughter, and Shiz' sister in law and nephew. There were many friends from the church to support Kaz. It really was a great gathering. Everyone sat around and talked for hours at the church, then we went back to the hotel where all the out-of-towners were staying. We talked and slept and hung out there even more and then ended for dinner at Kaz' house.
Jamie's kids are beautiful and fun. Shane, just one day younger than Myles, has been walking for more than a month. He is so cute and good natured like Myles. He and Myles look like each other a little too, although Myles is much larger than Shane. Natalie is a beauty just like her mother. She wasn't feeling well however and she ended up barfing in the car and they had to cut their weekend short to get her home.
Great Grandma and Myles
Sunday Kaz brought Grandma back to my house and we all had lunch till it was time to go to the airport. It was nice to see everyone and especially grandma. We can't believe how fast Grandma has lost her memory. She repeats herself all day long and asks the same questions. She must have told us that Monrovia has cute little homes ten times. Really sad.Myles really did well through all the events considering there was only a 1/2 hour short nap. He was a hit with Janie, Karen, and Mickey. I'm also including this picture of Myles in his bear towel. It only took me a year to make it for him! I've made 10 or so since he was born, but all for gifts. Oh well better late than never. I sure to love a clean smelling baby boy.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Home makeover...renter style
So I've thought about it, blogged about it and now I've finally done the work. It was actually a collaborative effort from both the tenant (me) and the landlord ( the gardeners actually). I did the work for the patio and they did the lawn. I think it looks wonderful if I do say so myself. Anything would be better than the dirt I have been living with for the last 3 1/2 years. Check it out and see what you think.

This is before the grass
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