Man it's painful to grow up. I always thought it was tough as a kid, but I am beginning to really understand how painful it must have been for my parents!
We're having yet another battle of the wills with Ethan, aka "Mr. Stubborn." I used to be able to buy all his clothes and stuff without him wanting to be involved. This was nice because I could shop the sales and pick out the greatest bargain.
No. more.
We've been searching for a new pair of shoes now for a week! The ones he got at the beginning of the school year, I noticed the other day, have soles that so thin that I can nearly poke my finger through the sole! How does he get around in these I wondered? We need shoes that he'll agree to wear (and here's the rub), that I'll agree to pay for. Not to mention his feet require a men's 7.5 these days...do you know how hard it is to find a decent pair of men's shoes on a goo

On a side note, here he is at his Arrow of Light ceremony on April 1st. It was a lot of fun. The primary brought in a expert scouter from here in Bountiful who has been a Webelos leader for 30+ years to teach us of few things and to run the ceremony. He was very entertaining and I tried to get some great pics, but I had to give my camera to Shauna during the presentation of the awards and she thought she was taking pictures when she wasn't. You know that little focus feature? Sometimes that happens, oh well. Some of the tips he gave us were how you should really wear your uniform "to be a cub scout/boy scout and not a girl scout," how to run a flag ceremony properly, and how a pack meeting should operate. Congratulations Ethan!
And we get to do this three more times...Bears, and Wolves, and Webelos, oh my!
And we get to do this three more times...Bears, and Wolves, and Webelos, oh my!