This picture is taken on a swing bridge in a little town called Arapuni. It going over the dam there. It's the biggest swing bridge I've ever been on. The river is a L O N G way down too.
Anyway.............. things are going well. Everything is all unpacked and the house is looking great, if I do say so myself.
I'm kinda on this new kick of getting up in the mornings and going to the gym, coming home and having a shower and actually getting dressed before my kids are even up!!
It's pretty nice. I just have to make sure I get to bed earlier. Sometimes if the kids are sleeping I can get a chance to do other stuff like read, or tidy. But they've been getting up around 7:30ish. For the first few days they were getting up at like 9am or 10. Man I was loving it. But alas, that is no more!!
We still haven't heard from the other 4 schools, seriously how hard is it to post out a letter with a no or a yes on it. There can't be that many applicants can there? Who knows. But when we know..........you'll know.
So looks like Idaho it is.
We're going on a Moab trip this weekend so we're getting all the cars registered and insured. So I"ve been extra careful on the road since it's been SNOWING!!!
So whatever happend to my 3 summers in a row? I'm just glad Dru got the furnace working right and it's toasty, well for us at least. I've come to discover that our idea of toasty is a little different from others.
So I've been cooking every night and getting things done. In NZ I promised myself when I got back to my own house and had control over things, that I'd start doing things a little different.
So so far so good.
I weighed in at weight watchers on Saturday and was horrified. Sorry people I'm not going to reveal the outcome but it was bad.
So I"m sick of being fat..............hence the weight watchers. Hopefully in a few months I'll be looking slightly different and feeling great.
I really do love working out. Also at the gym they have these theartre rooms so I can watch a movie and work out. I love it.
So far I"ve watched "The Prince and me" "Star Wars" "Bruce Almighty" "Pirates of the Carrabian" Ah I think I spelt that wrong. Anyway I motivates me to work out and I even sometimes wanna work out longer to see more of the movie!!
Dru and I went to the temple for the first time in WHO KNOWS WHEN, last night. We did family names. It was really special. I was the only one there so it was even better.
I love the temple. I don't know why I don't go more. I guess life gets buzy.
Anyway it was wonderful and we have Shauna to thank for taking care of the kids. I'm sure she was happy the house was tidy and somewhat warm. (Her two complaints) LOL
I'm still trying to get Masaru's potty training back on track. He hasn't worn a nappy since being home and he's doing ok. A few accidents. Do they ever stop having accidents?
We still need to get our taxes done and then we can start figuring out how to get money for school.