We've had a busy week this week. My cousin came into town, Kieren. He's my mum's brothers oldest boy. He is doing a 5 months trip across the states and stopped off in Utah to stay with us for a few days. It was kinda bad timing for me as Yuki Mei is still so small and dependent so I couldn't entertain him much. Plus Dru's busy with side jobs, applications and loose ends before our trip away. So he went into Temple Square and did a few things. Mainly hung out on the internet and walked down to Starbucks to get his coffee. It was nice meeting him though, as I haven't seen him in about 20 + years.
On Sunday we went and had dinner with one of mum's missionaries who baptised her. Elder Steven Smoot. He's pretty rich to say the least and gave mum and Pete a free nights stay at the Anniversary Inn as he's a co-owner of it. How awesome is that!!!
And this last picture is of Yuki and dad doing what they love to do best.