So yesterday we went to our mates house to have a little play date for our boys.
I was going GREAT until the end.
They have this door, kind of like a horse stable door where it's cut a little shorter than a normal door and opens out to their back yard.
So I ducked to go through and put Masaru on the see saw and then turned around and whacked myself on the head trying to get back through.
Who knows what I was thinking.
Clearly I wasn't I guess.
ANYWAY I guess I walked into it so hard I fell backwards onto my back.
It was pretty amazing.
I didn't even see it coming man.
So Isaac is laughin at me saying "Melissa, what are you doing on the ground you silly girl?"
I had nothing for him.
Masaru starts crying because all of a sudden his mum's on the ground and blood is coming out of her head.
For a second I thought "Ok nobody but a 3 year old saw me, maybe I can get away with this"
Then I had one look at my hand, full of blood, and thought "Nope can't get away with it, I have to go inside and tell Mandi"
Can I just say how EMBARRASSED I was going inside and telling Mandi all about this.
So she was shocked and horrified of course and gave me a nice towel which got ruined.
She said I could keep it LOL
I got a cut on my hairline. Then I got a HUGE scrap and bruise on my forehead AND a huge bruise under my eye.
But there you have it.
So then we've got Masaru, Isaac, Alex and Yuki all crying at once in the house and Mandi said over the din "I guess that means we're done here!"
So I drive home holding onto my face with a towel with blood on it.
I make it home and call Dru, and he laughs at me but is trying to be nice about it.
It took me the longest time to tell him what happend cause I was so embarrassed about it.
I told him when he sees me he could have one free laugh, then after that HE GETS IT.
So if you see me I'll tell you the same free laugh then YOU GET IT.