Today I put Myles in time out, the offense isn't relevant, but he had other ideas. You see time out in our house is in his crib. While I sat on the couch feeding Audrey, I watched as Myles tried to figure out how to CLIMB OUT OF THE CRIB! I know that I have been lucky that he hasn't tried this before now, but really what am I going to do now? It started with him reaching his arm through the bars to see how far away the bed is from the crib. Then he stood up and pulled himself up on the end of the crib. Then the foot was over the rail. Then the other foot on top of the rail. A bit of nervous crying, and he didn't actually get out, but if I had let him try longer I think that he would have. I can't believe it. That means bye-bye long naps where he would play in the crib for and hour( or two). Bye-bye to sleeping in on Saturday mornings(he knows how to open doors). Oh, I really don't want to be in this phase of life. I like putting the children in a particular spot and knowing that when I come back for them they will still be there. Not so anymore! Maybe I should get a lid for the crib!
Good luck.
YOu could get one of those crib tents and zip him in. :)
just lock him in his room. of course, that means putting a lot of stuff out of his reach, well, maybe in the new house, where his room is really just HIS. sorry. it does suck to come to the end of the 'confineable' age.
So sad...looks like he's started undressing himself as well!
Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. The answer to your problem is called a Crib Tent. We, so lovingly, call it Scarlett's Grotto. They're like $80 (totally overpriced, but desperate times call for desperate AND expensive measures)and I got mine at Babies-R-Us. I would give you mine, but I need to keep her in there for a solid 4 more months. They are truly magical. Good luck :)
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