Here I am in my new big boy car set "Cowmooflage".
Myles is huge. He went for his 4 month check up today and he is in the 95th% for weight, and 97th% for height. That translates into 18lbs. 2 oz. and 27 inches long. We are starting to move him into 6-9 month clothes and size two shoes. I'm really starting to miss the "little" baby I HAD I guess all I can say is that my child is WELL FED! Here are a few pictures from this week.

Splish splash I love taking a bath.

Especially when I get out and get all "cozy" in my hooded towel.

Here I am sitting like a big boy in my new hat from Auntie Birgitte.

Here I am having some "Tummy Time". Something I really hate, you know it's hard to hold up these big cheeks!
So cute! He is so photogenic!
The picture of him in the hooded towel is so, so cute. All of them are, but that one just melts my heart. I always thought it would be nice to have a baby in the higher percentiles because it's proof that the baby is THRIVING! :)
Cute pic's Brooke. Thanks for that post. It's nice to see him growing up. Makes me feel like I'm still in the loop.
Yeah, he's bigger than Ella. Love the cowmooflauge! He's quite photogenic. Cute pix.
I cannot get over how cute this little guy is! He definitely was worth the wait!! I always wanted a chubby baby, but mine can't even get over the 10th percentile. Way to go Milo!
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