Seth and Tate had a face painting activity at preschool last week. Needless to say, it was a messy and wonderful time for all. A day and a half later Seth woke up with puffy eyes and a faint rash on his face. I couldn't figure out for the life of me where it came from. Later that day I suddenly had an epiphany...the face paint!! I noticed that the areas most affected was where he had concentrated the paint (i.e. his eyes). Interestingly enough, it didn't affect Tate. Oh well, it didn't seem to bother him and we treated it with a little Benedryl. We'll just have to watch out for that in the future. They look cute though!
You're right, they do look cute. Now who did the painting on their faces?
Can't you tell? That was all them...they used a mirror I guess.
Seth looks like a woman with all the eye make-up. Tate just looked more like a clown. In any case they do look very cute. I can't believe that the paint would cause a reaction like that. Very cute. Can't wait to see you all at the end of the week.
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