Myles has had this loose tooth for about a month now. I've made the tooth fairy pillow and we have had many talks about how to pull that sucker out. He would wiggle it once per day, IF I reminded him, so I was shocked when he announces from the back seat, that his tooth has fallen out. When I turned around to inspect it hadn't fallen out, he had just made major progress on it and it was just hanging on by a thread. We were driving home from St. George and I didn't have access to my camera. I told him to "hold on" till we got home and I could take a photo of the monumental even. As soon as we got home it was out. He didn't even flinch or cry or fuss about it and the small amount of blood that comes with it. He just couldn't stop laughing. His new tooth was already poking through so it's no wonder that thing came out.

Here he is with his new toothless grin. I think he looks so very cute. HE thinks he looks so cute without his tooth. Audrey keeps telling him he looks WEIRD. To which he says, "that hurts my feelings Audrey."
The girls are counting down the days till their #5 birthday (319 days), so their teeth can fall out too! He was especially excited to show me that the tooth fairy had left him a 2 dollar bill in his tooth's place. He and the girls have been brushing well in hopes to get more money for teeth that are "clean" vs. teeth that have fillings in them ( hey whatever gets them to brush, right!.)
You're tooth fairy is very generous. Are you going to keep all those teeth, cuz if you do, don't keep them in your jewelry box where they will be discovered and then their whole childhood is blown. lol.
He's beautiful.
Now watch...the girls teeth won't start coming out until they're 7 or 8! He does look cute!
Hee hee the fun has just begun!
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