My first born turned 2 today. I can't believe it, where has the time gone? Myles had a fun filled day beginning with presents early this morning. He wanted his P.J.'s off, so that's why he is filmed in his diaper. You can really see how much he is thinning down and getting REALLY tall without his clothes on.
After breakfast we packed up for a shopping trip with a great friend and a little buddy of Myles too. We shopped for a while then had lunch on Myrtle street. After lunch we came home for a quick nap then it was off to the park for cake and ice cream with some friends. What a fun day.

The cake this year was Blue's Clues, Blue. Myles has loved the show the last month or so. He flashes his fingers open and closed when he wants to watch it. He was very happy looking at the picture I had pulled off the Internet this week. Then when he woke up this morning he was really happy to see the finished cake. He wanted to put his little fingers right in it! We also made a M&M cake, just to make sure we had enough for all our friends. Myles loves M&M's, and each morning he shows me his two fingers and points to the candy jar full of peanut M&M's. He knows he only gets two. This is a child of habit, if you can't already tell. It's kinda like living "Groundhogs Day", every day.

We had a great day, can't believe he's already two. Now I can say I have three kids, 2 and under!
Brooke the cake turned out GREAT. Man I love it. Good job girl.
That M&M cake looks yummy as well.
What a great bike. I wish we could've been there.
He really is getting skinny aye.
Looks like my kids are the only ones who are gonna have some meat on their bones.
Love the cakes and the bike looks fun. It looks like he'll be tall and skinny after all. I'm glad it was a great day, sorry we all missed it!
yeah, the cake is amazing. does that bike have training wheels? it looked like just a 2 wheeler, surely he can't ride that?
How did it taste?
That Blue's Clue's Cake is phenomenal and the M&M cake looks so cute too!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Myles.
Where has the time gone?
How can he really be 2. Yikes. Thanks for the great day and fun party that night. You did such an amazing job on the cakes. Your a rockin mom, I don't know how you do it all!
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