Last week alone I harvested a sink full of ripe tomatoes. They were great to eat, but coming out of my ears. I would pick between 20-30 each day! I called mother and got the Anderson's salsa recipe so I could use them all up. I got 3 six quart pots full of salsa. It turned out great, a little to spicy for me, but not bad for Bjorn.

Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with the rest of the years crop. I've already made and froze spaghetti sauce for two meals. I have about 100 more tomatoes on the vine, and remember this is only one plant. Maybe I should just bottle them. I don't know. Too bad I sent all my bottles home with Ryan in June. Oh well I'll think of something.
Wow Brooke that is amazing. I can't believe you did nothing and have like hundreds of tomatoes growing.
What about neighbours? Do they want some or does anyone have jars they don't want so you can just can them for whatever?
Off of ONE plant. I am in awe. And so jealous, that'd never work here. Too bad you can't can them. Tomatoes are easy to do.
You always amaze me! What a great Salsa. Thanks for sharing our's never made it to the freezer! IT was so yummy.
That plant is out of control. I wish my 6 tomatoe plants would even produce half that much!
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