Lydia on left, Audrey on right
Audrey and Lydia are one month old today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. They went to the doctor for their first check up and have done really well. Audrey weighed in at 6 lbs. 4 oz. while Lydia(our little one) weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz.. She has really done well and has caught up to her big sister. They have grown out of their first preemie clothes from Wal-mart, while other brands of preemie size are STILL too big. They are still in preemie diapers, something I hope they grow out of soon, as they are really expensive and hard to find. The girls are both eating every 4 hours during the day and about 41/2-5 hours at night. I can't wait till 8 weeks when I can get them sleeping through the night! We are all surviving having little sleep. The cute little faces make it all worth while!
Audrey and mom

They look A LOT more similar now that they are closer to the same size. They are such beautiful little girls. I love the picture of you and Lydia.....or was it Audrey? I'll have to go back and look.
yeah, they do look alike, from the horribly pink picture anyway. man, how can you stand that much pink!? Ugh. I guess I still have pink issues. How are you doing w/o mom? Bjorn get released yet? Hang in there. Can't believe a month has gone by already. They are up to Luke's birth weight, so they should chub up fast now. Sent off a package yesterday, look for it. Love you.
Can't wait to see them in a couple of days. Man, time flies. Even though its hard, I think you'll look back later and think that it all went by so quickly. They don't stay babies for long... They are so cute.
Thanks Brooke.
How cute they are! Please pass on the wisdom of getting 8 week olds to sleep through the night! Also, how do you get them to eat only every 4 1/2 hours? Jonas eats about every 2 1/2-3 hours and that sometimes isn't enough for him! You look great, Brooke! Looks like life with 3 kids under 2 isn't affecting you at all! How do you do it?
They are so cute and look a ton alike...I'd be afraid of mixing them up (that's why I'm relieved that mine are b/g) but it looks fun to dress them alike.
Sleeping through the night at 8 weeks! You have to tell me how you do it.
Call me some time I'd love to chat...when you're not sleeping or taking care of the kids if that ever happens.
They are so cute. I wish you were getting more sleep. I can take little man next week when the boys are over their colds.Hang in there.
Like little baby dolls--that wet and poop;) I hope you noticed that while I sent two of each outfit, only one set were the same size. This was on purpose so they won't be in matchy outfits all the time. We're going to need a little help distinguishing for a while...They are very sweet!
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