Last week my girlfriend Angela took time out of her very busy (mother of 3 active little boys, wife to Todd) life to shoot a few pictures of me and Myles. It was fun and some of them turned out well. Not that they wouldn't turn out because of the photographer, but because of the subject matter. It was, and is, if for nothing else for my own posterity. I wanted to have a record of what I looked like while pregnant with the girls. Have a look, don't be too critical, I am 28 weeks along after all... Bjorn has named the girls as you can see in the last picture!

You look great!
Oh Myles is so cute man.
You look great and pregnant with twins!!!
Love the names, if you name them that then it'll take the spotlight off Dru and I when we name ours.
These pictures are AMAZING. AMAZING. I wish I had something like this. Jackpot. You look gorgeous.
You don't look that big. Seriously though, what are the real name possibilities?
You look wonderful, Brooke! You don't look that big for having 2 in there. I think my belly is bigger than yours! I will be 35 weeks on Friday and look like I could give birth tomorrow. Part of me hopes this little one comes a week early. My back is killing me! Give Myles a kiss for me!
LOVE the photos. What a treasure. I'll think you'll be so glad to have those later on. I can't believe how much hair Myles has, he is adorable. BTW, thanks for the phone call the other day, my phone cut out on the drive, but I really appreciate it.
It was fun! Your like a super model with twice the fun inside of you womb. Love ya
Great pics Brooke! Little treasures right there! I hope you are feeling good, and can't wait for the blessed event!
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