Now am I just bias or is she not the most cutest little thing!?!
Who couldn't love that little face!?!
I gotta tell ya I'm loving having a little girl in the house hold.
She actually snuggled me the other day!
I couldn't believe it.
Masaru's not a snuggler and so Dru and I had kind've gotten used to not getting too much of our snuggles on with our kids. Yuki didn't seem like she was the type either.
THEN the other day I was hanging out with my mate, Trissy, and Yuki totally started cuddling into me and sucking her thumb. It was a great feeling.
THEN she did it again on Sunday with Dru. Man he was in seventh heaven.
If you don't already know Dru is a snuggler from way back.

When he found out we were pregnant, one of the first things he said was "I'm going to get lots of snuggles"
Well it didn't really turn out like that.
Masaru gives us hugs for sure but KEEPING him there is a different story.
He's too busy I think.
But we're in luck, at least for this week, as Yuki has been giving us cute little snuggles right before we put her to bed.
It makes you feel

I think you think, in the moment, that your child is the most perfect thing on the earth.
And even out of the moment I guess too, even amongst the chaos that happens.
Our kids are so beautiful.
Kids are so beautiful.
What would we do with out kids?
yuki you so cute man, im sure its the wright side why she is lol could be wrong tho
OH MY GOSH!!!! She really has the most pretty eyes. What a doll! I do love it when my kids will snuggle too. I have really lucked out because all my kids were snuggly at first, they did grow out of it, Eliza exception she still cuddles, but for my other kids it was so neat. Kids are the greatest!
Oh my gosh, those are REALLY cute pictures of Yuki Mei. I love to see that big smile of hers. Yep, snuggles are the best man. I find myself wanting them all the time.
She is so cute and that last picture is the BEST! Snuggles are so nice......Garrett won't snuggle with me (never has-and it's not because he's too busy-he just doesn't like snuggling with me) and it still hurts my feelings occasionally. :)
Oh, love the picture of you and Yuki, too. It really shows how much you love being with her.
Yeah, I'm with Hadyn, she's all Wright! AND she's ALL right! LOL. I'm so funny I make myself laugh...
Yuki is beautiful and it will be fun to see how she turns out. Every child is so different! I love it when she smiles...
Too cute--I love that toothless smile and those great pinchable cheeks. You better watch out--all the boys will be after her.
Oh Melissa! She is absolutely adorable...melt my heart. Kids are the best! Enjoy those snuggles!
I think you have every right to be biased because she is definitely gorgeous!! Both your kids have the most amazing eyes!!
She is beautiful, so is the mom. I am glad you are getting those good snuggles. Enjoy them becuase they are gone too fast!
because. I guess I should proof read!
Stinkin cute baby! I love your kidos. I will miss them, so even though we don't do blue, we are totally praying for a hale mary cougar blue miracle.
Milz, these pictures are so cute. Yuki Mei is darling! Those eyes are so captivating. Plus, she is so sweet. You are very lucky to get those snuggles now... and I am sure you are enjoying them... Talbot fam is right, they won't last long. I love you!
Hey, those pics look familiar :) She is so beautiful Milz! What a cutie!
I LOVE her so much. Even though she gets mad and doesn't let me feed her. She makes me so happy!
You and Dru definately have great genes between you...you have gorgeous kids...and the photos of Yuki are no exception...she's so beautiful!
I'm glad you get snuggles or as they are called in our house...'Huggles' they are the best! They will only give them for so long so take them while you can!!
Trying to get a kiss from James these days when i drop him a school is a game...if i don't catch him before he runs through the gate i lose and no kiss for mum...he thinks its so funny! But me thinks he's growing too fast...i remember when he would get really upset with me if i didn't give him a kiss!
oh well That's life...plenty more kids to get my huggles and kisses from!
What a sweet girl! I can't believe I haven't even met her yet. Soon, right?
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