Myles is almost 5 months old and we tried to feed him cereal tonight. Myles isn't too sure about the cereal. In fact I think he hates it. He first acted like he was gagging, although I had made it so runny that it could run down the back of his throat by itself. He ended up eating only about half of what I made before I gave in and gave him the boob. He's in for a rude awakening next week when I will run out of all the milk I have pumped for him. I can no longer keep up with his demands and I will have to start supplementing with formula. I don't know how that is going to go. We will let you know...
This was just before the gagging started.

This was just before the gagging started.

He'll catch on. You know, once he starts on solids he may not require as much from you. Hopefully you will not have to supplement, but I had to eventually with all of mine so who knows. Good luck, whatever happens!
It took Yuki a week to start opening her mouth properly, feeding her morning and night after her bottle, so hang in there. He'll love it, he seems to love food. I hope everything goes well for you and Myles. Good luck!!
ah well. this too is a learning curve. He sure is cute though!
Such cute pictures......all of my kids too a little time to get eating down!
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