It was a great trip, the first one alone since Myles was born. Mom and dad came into town to watch Myles, I would miss him terribly, but knew he was in great hands. After all mother raised four great children of her own, not to mention the other ten grandchildren she has helped to raise. We would head out for Carmel, California on Saturday morning, arrive and meet Emily and Steve for lunch. It was a great start to a great vacation. That was until we tried to check into our hotel, The Carmel Resort Inn.

Emily and Steve had successfully checked into their little cottage, "Cannery Row", while Bjorn and I would be staying in "Forest". We checked out their room, and then walked over to ours. We opened the door and yep- it looked almost exactly the same as Emily and Steve's. I had to give props to Bjorn for getting the luggage out of the car so quickly. Oh, he hadn't, I hadn't given him a key card yet! We had been given a room that was already occupied. This room was just too CROWDED so back to the office we went.

They were very apologetic and gave us another room, "River Beach". This cottage had a sitting room to boot. It was great and we started to settle in. We unpacked our small cooler into the fridge and went to put a few things in the closet when- this room too was occupied ( I should have known when there was a beer in the fridge). I quickly shoved all our stuff back into it's bags and got out as quickly as I could, so not to be caught by the original occupant. This room was just too LARGE.

So once again it was back to the office. This time we were given "Carmel Lagoon" with a waterfall right outside our window. Now this room was JUST right!, and unoccupied.

It was a rough start, but it was a great trip filled with slow sidewalk shopping, great food, a beautiful drive along the 17 miles of Pebble Beach Golf Coarse, the aquarium, and great friends! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Thanks mom and dad for coming all that was to watch Myles. We needed a "grown-up" trip.
That it just too funny, and nice analogy too! Glad you had a fun trip, it's oh so nice to get away once and a while!
TWO occupied rooms? Oh my gosh....I'm so glad you had the chance to get away.....and before Myles is 15. Good for you.
So what kind of 'stellar' staff do they have going on over there?
They had NO IDEA that those TWO places were occupied?
How many people came into your little place and unpacked only to realize that ANOTHER couple were ALREADY there.
I hope you complained!
Anyway I'm glad you had a great time.
Man I'd love to do something like that. Just get away for a WHOLE weekend with out the kids.
I don't think I can remember the last time Dru and I did that.
Luckily you had a great babysitter.
Steve and Bjorn look like they could be brothers. Who took that picture anyway? Dave was in Monterey last weekend too, same picture of the lone tree posted on his blog...funny.
That is great! You know they always say....3rd time is the charm! Glad you got some good "time away" with your hubby!
Love the way you told the story so creative. I am glad you had fun and got away, you deserved it!!
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