So this is what Dru got for Father's Day. I'd say it's the perfect gift. It's so he can nap all sneaky like, and no one will no the wiser!!
So here he is, trying them on for size. Do you think you'd be fooled? For starters they're blue not brown so unless Dru's wearing coloured contacts there's something fishy going on.
He got to sleep in, in the morning and I think he slept a bit at church, and then had a nap after church and then we went to bed at regular time at night. So I'm pretty sure if Dru was to tell you his perfect'd be sleeping around 3 times in that day. We love you babe, there's no one around who can sleep better than you!!!
I can't see the pictures, but it SOUNDs like the perfect gift.......I can't think of anyone else that got that many naps in in one day.
I am so bummed! I haven't been able to figure out how to pull up the pictures, but it sounds great! I hope you had a fun Father's Day weekend!
Sometimes those spiritual power naps are the very best you can get. I am sure he was just resting his eyes as he partook of the spirit. Right?
I couldn't see the pics at first, but now I can and it's pretty hilarious. I'm glad that Dru had a nice relaxing Father's Day, you're right, those look like the perfect gift for him. In that way, he does take after his own father!
those are the PERFECT gift for Dru, better get dad a pair too! Won't it be great at the Ranch house, we can all just sleep it up while the kids run wild in the woods. That's my plan anyway...
So freekin funny!
Soo funny Melissa! Those pics are great! That is the perfect Father's Day gift! You'll have to make sure they get packed when you head up to law school!
those are sooo funny! Kinda freaky, but funny. Love it. It looks like Dru did too!
What a lucky guy to be forced to take a break and have a nap. I bet he LOVED it. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to sneak them on more often than they were intended. Did they come with an expiration date???
Hey those would be perfect for Ray! He'd love them too, I call him sleepy sleepy man... it's his super power (well maybe no so super)!
HAHHAA>.. funny! Dru falls asleep EVERYWHERE so those are perfect for him.
I love the glasses! I think he might fool the kids, but they might think he's awake and still bug him. It might just freek them out too. Hahhahhaa! What a great gift.
I love it! How appropriate. That is my kind of gift. We would love to go to the children's museum. Call me and we'll set it up!
Love it! Between the glasses and the 3 naps, PERFECT Fathers Day!
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