since we got back.
So I handed off some chocolate cream easter eggs from home. Ah on a side tanget, there's no comparison, once you've tried NZ chocolate you'll be throwing up after eating Hershy's. So maybe it's safe to never try it.
Then she handed Masaru some late birthday gifts. One of which was a couple of hours at a place called Kangaroo Zoo. One of my other mates, Sarah, blogged about the one in North Salt Lake.
This was the one out in Pleasant Grove.
Can I just say that if I was a kid, I would've been doing anything possible to come to this place. It's a kids dream!! There's all these blow up castles EVERYWHERE. And Hannah and Masaru started just running and didn't stop for two hours until we told them they HAD to!!
Yes your eyes aren't decieving you. We put Yuki down one of the slides. Let's just say she wasn't too impressed! Poor wee thing. What a horrible mother!!
Soooooooooooooooooo much fun.
So I'd highly recommend it to everyone out there.
Katie, love you girl, and thanks for a GREAT DAY!! My *shout next time.
Don't you think these pic's are soooooo funny.
Man I was CRACKING up when I saw them. I'm still laughing now. Look at those faces.
Great action shots aye!?!
There's TONS more but these are my fav's.

Nice Melissa, real nice!!!

I LOVE IT!!!! It was SO much fun to hang out with you guys the other day. These pics are perfect to sum up our time at Kangaroo Zoo aye? We'll have to get together again real soon! Have a great week! Love you girl!
This does look like a lot of fun... although the kids look like they are falling straight down and a bit scared... I am sure they loved it. I need an out like that! Its fun to get together with friends and spend time out of the house. We all need it at times, I am glad you got out after a week of staying home with sick kiddos! Love ya!
Ohhh....sooo much fun! We have a place here local called Bouncing off the Walls, which they do a mommy and me every Wednesday. My little Alex LOVES it! And, I get to play too! What a fun way to spend the day! Yay!!
Yeah! I am glad that you tried out Kangaroo Zoo. What a fun place to take an out of town friend.
Meg continues to ask DAILY if we can again go to the jumping place. I am sure we will return one of these days. Perhaps we could get all of the neighborhood kids together and head that way.
This looks like such a cool place! I always appreciate your language translations, too! :)
I didn't know that place existed. I thought your were going to post about a petting zoo in NZ that had only kangaroos!
so I am peeking at your blog (AGAIN) and yes...the faces on your kids make me LAUGH aloud too! Great shots!
That baby is lovin' that slide.
awww yuki in the sleep position even when sliding down the slide
I am so glad Masaru had a good time. John and I took Adessa a couple of weeks ago for family night. We couldn't resist the temptation to buy play passes for ourselves which led to racing each other down the big slides. We laughed so hard. Adessa played in one area while John and I took turns racing up to the slides and then down them. Don't worry, I whooped him. Next time play yourself, it is a blast!
come on milz everyone knows that's aussie slang you kiwis like to use and claim for you're own!!! hee hee.
love the pics! Tzhe kids look like they're having an awesome time!
Cute, Yuki looks terrified, but good laughs. Sounds so fun and I'm wishing I could go to NZ.
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