All and all it was a good time and Masaru was very spoiled. We're extremely grateful for everyone's presents and kindness towards Masaru.
With the money we got from Grandma (USA) and Auntie Maree we're putting it towards a scooter and a bike. Masaru loves riding around on scooters and we feel he's ready to learn how to ride a bike with no trainer wheels. Wonderful day and great birthday. I can't believe my little man is 3 already. I remember giving birth to him and him being so little. Time really does fly when you're having fun doesn't it?!
Looks like he had a great day! I'll be impressed if he is ready for a bike w/o trainers. I've not met a kid yet who mastered a bike before age 4...go Masaru! I didn't know those jammies came clean in the wash, if they do then it's a new adventure every time, unless the markers are permanent I suppose. Hope he enjoys all his new things!
I love the..."I was amazing". Sure sure, you meant 'it'(the cake)...still very funny. He opened all his pressie's without you eh? that's funny too. Oh, and by the way, for all us American readers the 'pig torch' is called a 'flashlight'. I had to study the photos to figure that out, I was looking for some kind of a blow torch that you roast pigs with...
You are brave to even try to make that cake. way to go!! It looks like he had fun. Time definitely goes by way too fast! Happy Birthday Masaru!
I love all the pictures. I also love that he opened the presents without you. Sounds like something I would have done as a child. Sorry my card was late. I just can't remember it's his birthday till I flip the calendar to March and then it's too late to mail anything and get it on time. Oh well, this way he gets to celebrate a little longer...
How on earth are you going to get home a bike and scooter?
HAPPY Birthday, Masaru!
Congrats on Masaru's 3rd Birthday!!
He looks a BOY not a Baby anymore!
That makes me surprised! How time flies!!! I love you all!!
What a fun day for Masaru! I love the cake, how long did that take to make and eat? hahhaha... just kiddig. Send Masaru my love! Hugs and kisses for you all... see you soon.........!
What a fun day for Masaru! I love the cake, how long did that take to make and eat? hahhaha... just kiddig. Send Masaru my love! Hugs and kisses for you all... see you soon.........!
What a fun day! I think the cake looks great. I'm going to attempt a Mickey MOuse one for Kyle's birthday in a couple weeks. I'm a little nervous. I hope he had a great birthday!
Looks like a fun birthday for all of you...Masaru and you parents who did all the planning. Even though the cake was a "struggle", it will be one you never forget! Great to see that Dru was willing to help you figure it out!
Also, I really enjoyed reading through your list of loved things! Great list. Seeing what others count as blessings always make me step back and think "oh yeah, I have that blessing too..." or "I love that too and forgot about that one." It always makes me happier when reminded of what I am blessed with! Thanks for those reminders.
Happy Birthday Masaru! So hard to believe he is already 3! It looks like it was a great day.....love the cake! That is amazing!
He is so cute. And good for you for making the cake. Costco makes mine!
Masaru is 3? Holy cow time flies. I loved the pictures and particularly admire your culinary skills with the "Thomas" cake, nice! I love that little ones are crazy about Thomas, I always thought it was a boy thing until Adessa went nuts over it. Looks like y'all had a great time. Happy Birthday Masaru.
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