Lenard and Liesel and they're 4 kids came into town on the 31st of December. The car rental place messed up their mini van so they were stuck with a car and no way to fit all of their family in the one car. So Dru and I went to Auckland to pick them up and take one of their kids home with us in our car.
Dru ended up going with Lenoard and Leisel came with me and we had Dru's walkie talkies and talked all the way back. It was fun.
The visit has been a load of fun and laughs all week. We played games all night that first night to welcome in the new year. Llewellyn had fire works that he lit off for us. Then we had a day in Taupo at the park, riding on the train and swimming in the pools there.
Then we had a day of rest where we went swimming in the local Tokoroa pools while the boys played paintball.
Then yesterday we went to Rotorua and saw all the animals and fish while Lenoard and Leisel went horse back riding then we went on the luge and gondala ride. Today the Kayberry's went to the Waitomo caves and saw the glow worms while we looked after their cute little boy. He's fully breast fed and is huge. He's the cutes little thing out and is only 10 days younger than Yuki, which is pretty cool.
They're off home tomorrow and we're all sad as it's been a week of fun times.
They're living in Montreal so I'm sure we'll continue to see them about once a year or every 2 years.
I've got a ton of other pic's of the week. These are just the ones of us with the family. I'll post a couple of us and the kids.
Yuki, Myles and Kayberry's kids are all about the same age. How fun. I thought Myles was chubby, but not at all next to Kayberry's kid. How fun.
Hi Brooke and Milz,
I've tagged you both.....see my blog for details.
Holy adventure galore, it looks and sounds like you are having a blast Melissa!
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