The Doctor said it's a herniated belly button. Don't worry about it for 6-8 months when it should have healed itself. If not they will surgically fix it.
Myles and I saw the Pediatrician today. It's official I have a giant of a baby. He weighs 14lbs. 3 oz. I now have to cut out the night feeding and I am sure that isn't going to be fun for about a week. The Doctor said it would take about a week for him to get the message that he really didn't need to eat at night. We will see how it goes. Wish us luck.
GOOD LUCK!!! Man I can't believe how heavy he is. That's amazing. You are a full cream cow!!
yea, I feel like a COW!
We've seen a few herniated belly buttons around here......I think it's wonderful that your milk is obviously so rich and full of whatever is making Myles thrive. Did the doctor really say he had to cut out a feeding? He's only 2 months old. Seems barbaric.
Seth and Tate had herniated belly buttons too. I've never heard a Dr. tell someone to cut a feeding either...I really see the problem in having a big baby. I mean, if he doesn't want to eat he won't. I don't think babies typically "overeat." He looks great!
My sister's a nurse and over here in NZ she's been to breast feeding courses and she's never heard of anything like a baby overeating. It's impossible as their stomach's too immature to know. So if he wants a feed at night he should have it. So I dunno. So do what you feels right. Just thought I'd let you know.
I don't think the doctor is worried so much about overeating, as he is about my sleep, or lack there of. He's just saying that if I get 5 feeding in during the day he is getting enough calories that I don't need to do a night feeding and it may be benificial to me. I haven't made up my mind on what to do yet, but a night of solid sleep sounds good to me!
Oh ok sorry.
full cream cow. love it. I agree with Angie. If he wants to eat, let him. Some babies just take longer to go through the night, as for the no sleep, welcome to motherhood! At least you're not chasing after a toddler during the day too!
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