I don't hear from anyone for a few days when I get a call from the plumber. He wants to come over and take a look. He came, he looked, and said "we are going to have to get a clean up crew to come and drain the pool, dig out all the crap, and sanitize the dirt and dry it all out." So I'm thinking this will happen sometime in the next week. I am getting ready to head out the door to the dentist office when I get a call from the landlord. "Hi, you guys need to move out of the house for a few days." "We need to get the soil treated and when they start clearing it out the smell could get really bad and toxic." This is about 5 pm mind you and we need to be out of the house by 9am in the morning. So I head to the dentist where I make a child swap with Bjorn on his way home from work. I get home from the dentist at about 7pm and have to find a place for us to move to, pack up all our things we will need for the next two to three days, and find boarding for Yoda. Bjorn can't help me at all because he has brought work home for a trail that he was in the middle of. I guess there really isn't ever a good time to move out of the house.

We are now back and things are back to normal for the most part. We have two giant fans on the back of the house to blow air under the house. Then one on the front of the house to suck air out from under the house. The only problem is that the fans are really loud. Especially for the neighbor Linda, her house is only 10 feet away from the really loud fan. It isn't so bad inside the house.
P.S. Bjorn got a guilty verdict on his case. It was about a boyfriend who found a guy to go to his girlfriends mothers home and shoot her. Well he did and the little nine year old girl who opened the door saw the whole thing. Her mother was shot once in the head just under the right eye. Really sad story. Now her 21 year old sister is trying to adopt her and the five year old little brother. She also has a baby of her own with the boyfriend who set this whole thing up in the first place. Talk about twisted...
Yikes........was the vacation in your home away from home enjoyable? I'll bet you're glad the smell is gone!
Was it toxic mold?Are you sure the house is safe? Did your Landlord pay for that hotel? Do those fans have to stay on forever? Reminds me of the time our furnace went out in the dead of winter, in our first Cedar house. It was so cold I took the kids to St. George for the night, but my landlord wouldn't pay for a thing!
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