With a title like that you thought that we got rid of the dog didn't you?! Well we didn't . It appears that we like spending money on him. Another trip to the Vet., another 100.00$ in the bucket. The joys of dog ownership. Yoda had surgery today to remove a wart like growth due to the papaloma virus. The growth had doubled in size in about two weeks time. He was a good patient the Vet. said. Now that he is home he is a little sleepy and a little out of it.
I thought the growth looked kind of cute! :)
Um, yeah, again, I don't get you dog people...
Poor dog! That is one sad reason why we don't have a dog. It's hard enough to take care of the kids, and you can't not take care of it. That doesn't keep the kids from trying though...Oh yeah, that and doggie diarrhea ALL over the house! J/K
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