Well here it is. I've been asked for a picture of the belly for quite some time. I haven't done so because I'm not sure I love what it looks like but none the less here it is. Tomorrow we go for our big ultrasound. Hope the baby wants to be photographed because I really want to see what sex he is. We will post more about that tomorrow, watch for the news!
You did it Brooke! I'm so glad. Love the bump, you look great. I rarely took belly shots
and I really regret that now. Here's hoping "he" cooperates for the u/s. Looking forward to hearing the news.
Oh, I deleted my original comments. Published before I could correct my typos making the sentence really strange. Must be early.
You look great Brooke. I only took belly shots with the twins for the same reason, I didn't like looking pregnant. But now I wish I had more with Ethan and Graham. Anyway, I think you're looking terrific, and just remember, there is a great "little" reward at the end of this journey. Can't wait to talk to you later about the u/s.
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